Michael Spreckelmeier just returned from the annual Remodelers Advantage™ conference in West Lafayette, Indiana. The three-day industry conference focused on best technology practices in the remodeling industry and provided practical business management solutions to improve and strengthen businesses. Individual sessions included electronic scheduling systems, design software, hiring for success, increasing value for homeowners, using a team approach to remodeling, and business growth. Daily programs included strategic focus groups and roundtable discussions.
“I went to the meeting to help a fellow remodeling contractor and friend grow his business and improve his services,” said Spreckelmeier. “In actuality, the teacher became the student, providing an even more valuable exchange of information and learning opportunity across the entire group.”
Remodelers Advantage is the remodeling industry’s most comprehensive consulting and support organization for remodeling businesses throughout the USA and Canada, helping members improve and grow their businesses, as they work smarter and more efficiently