Progressive Builders, Inc. is proud to announce a new achievement on our Houzz profile! Houzz, the leading platform for home remodeling and design inspiration, has awarded us the “1K Saves” badge. This badge represents the 1,000+ times our photos have been saved by the Houzz community to their ideabooks. Thank you to the Houzz users who helped us accomplish this recognition, we are honored to see that you love our work and we look forward to providing you the finest inspiration for your home remodeling and renovation needs in Southwest Florida!

In addition to our latest badge, Progressive Builders has been awarded the Best of Houzz 2015 award, Houzz Influencer Badge, which is given to professionals whose advice and knowledgeable posts are most appreciated by the Houzz community, and the Houzz Recommended Badge, which goes only to the top-rated professionals on Houzz.

Visit our Houzz profile today to discover ideas for your next renovation, addition, or home remodel in Naples, Fort Myers, Bonita Springs, Estero, Sanibel or Captiva! Ready to get started on your new kitchen, bathroom, living room or outdoor space? Fill out our simple online questionnaire or call us at 239.939.5411.
